Hudson River An Adventure From The Mountains To The Sea by Peter Lourie
Hudson River An Adventure From The Mountains To The Sea by Peter Lourie

Hudson River An Adventure From The Mountains To The Sea by Peter Lourie


Hudson River An Adventure From The Mountains To The Sea by Peter Lourie

Illustrated with Full Color Photographs

Peter Louries adventure in a canoe captures the spirit of the Hudson River from the mountains to the sea. Born as a mountain brook, the Hudson River courses through dangerous rapids and waterfalls in a dramatic plunge of 4,000 feet. Then, remarkably the river slows and widens, becoming over the next 154 miles a massive arm of the sea, with saltwater and powerful tides. This day by day account in a canoe gives young readers the feel of shooting wilderness whitewater, gliding through the Hudson Highlands, and  finally, plying the shipping lanes of Manhattan's shore.

Peter Lourie's river books include:

Erie Canal, Everglades, Amazon and Yukon River 


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