Erie Canal Canoeing America's Great Waterway by Peter Lourie
Erie Canal Canoeing America's Great Waterway by Peter Lourie

Erie Canal Canoeing America's Great Waterway by Peter Lourie





Erie Canal Canoeing America's Great Waterway by Peter Lourie

The Erie Canal was the first great technological achievement of the United States. From 1817 to 1825, thousands dug, axed, and blasted through the wilderness to create a 363-mile waterway stretching from Lake Erie to the Hudson River. They succeeded in creating a gateway to the west by joining the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes. The author canoes his way the length of the Erie Canal from Buffalo to Albany, Along the way, he recounts the dramatic history of the canal, the story of those who built it, and what it's like to paddle one America's legendary waterways. 


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